Building a better future

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SISMA.INTERNATIONAL is a private international firm that innovates and invests in innovations.

Qualities & Excellence

We are uncompromisingly committed to continuous development of topmost quality innovative solutions.

Feasibility Check

We check the feasibility of our disruptive ideas. We develop a PoC and we test the market to reach the best result.


We collaborate with top-level companies and organisations to advance our innovations to market and beyond.


We invest time, money, and resources in ideas we believe-in.

Development of innovative solutions to solve detected problems in the market, within different sectors, by offering a combination of technology and services. SISMA.INTERNATIONAL also identifies innovative products in early stage and fast-track its commercialization.

Let's work together


how to reach us

Please, feel free to contact us by e-mail, using our contact form or directly by phone.

our address

Calle Cisneros nº5,
Málaga 29005, Spain.